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Think of the most interesting man you know. Now imagine what he would be like had he grown up in a tarpaper shack without indoor plumbing, joined a monastery, had an extensive career as a female model, actress, author and screen writer, then traded in his weave and acrylic nails for a Ph.D. in neuroscience. If you have been able to conjure up that image, turn it up to 11... and let's do it!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Its a Family Affair

Family is the most sacred human lodge.  All you need for membership and admittance is your name.  I know that in my heart and in my soul.  That’s why it is so curious that I seem to drift further and further from my family, day by day.  I think that is true of most families.  You know how it goes, the fat one doesn’t like the skinny one, who doesn’t like the rich one cause he’s married to a woman whose a bitch with a gay son, etc., etc., etc. 

Humans are so strange. Take American's for example.  Our government can't  even deliver the mail, yet we ask Congress to convene on crucial matters, like morality, tolerance and social values that at best can only be legislated at the family dinner table.  

Why is it that human’s do not allow members of their families to be who they are, and love them unconditionally.   Is it because it is difficult and tedious?  Is it because it is because there are easier, and more fun things to do, than deal with our family members bullshit?   Is it because we have forgotten that humans are a social species, and the fundamental currency of that economy is the family?   Is it because our technology is discordant with our biology, and we have created a world that is too complex for us to comprehend on the basic levels that are vital to our wellness as individuals and as a species.    Holla back chirren!

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